
Dental Implants in Royal Oak, Michigan

Repairing Permanent Damage

When you have lost a tooth due to injury, decay or disease, dental implants replace missing tooth roots with metal posts that provide a very strong foundation on which to attach personalized artificial teeth. Not only do implants look more natural than other prosthetics, but they remove the hassle of dentures and can last your entire lifetime when proper care is exercised.
Dental Implants —Tooth Implants in Royal Oak, MI

How Implants Work

After a thorough inspection of the affected area and health of your oral cavity, we will place a small titanium post into the missing tooth’s bone socket. As the socket heals, the implant will naturally bond to your jawbone. We will then attach a connecting abutment on which your artificial tooth or crown will be placed.

The last step of this process is to fashion the replacement tooth to match your natural tooth color and shape. Once in place, the implant and crown will look, feel and function like a natural tooth.

Maintenance and Proper Care

Implants require the same hygiene and cleaning practices as the rest of your teeth: brushing, flossing, and washing with antibacterial mouthwash and regular checkups and professional cleanings. Maintaining healthy gums and teeth will safeguard your implant and help it last your lifetime.

Restoring Your Implants

If you already have dental implants, and one of them becomes damaged, fractured or loose, our trained dentists will restore the area by replacing the crown, removing the post with surgery or starting the process over again if the damage has affected your surrounding jawbone. Every case is unique, and we will take the time to understand your specific situation before advising care steps and a path forward.

Call us today at 248-398-1818 to learn more about our Dental Implant services.

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