Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Therapy near Madison Heights, MI

Located in Royal Oak

All too often, we meet people who have been living with painful tooth decay for years. Perhaps you have even been to a general practitioner who was unable to locate the source of your discomfort with precision.

With our background and training in endodontics, we provide you the effective treatments you need to enjoy lasting relief. Don’t wait another day; let us help you enhance your lifestyle and regain the full function of your teeth.
A woman who will need root canal therapy in Madison Heights, MI

Knowing Your Teeth

Each one of your teeth contains a central chamber filled with soft matter called pulp. Pulp includes your tooth’s nerves, connecting tissues and blood vessels. The pulp strengthens your tooth and allows you to sense pain; it also nourishes your tooth to prevent fragility. These vital functions are interrupted when pulp becomes damaged as a result of tooth decay, cracking, chipping or other facial trauma.

Root Canal Therapy Explained

There are many misconceptions about root canal therapy that prevent people from embracing a common treatment that will give them lasting reprieve from oral pain and decay. After we pinpoint the damage and X-ray the area, we will access your tooth’s central chamber and clean out the infected matter.

After the chamber is washed and medicated if necessary, the cavity is filled. Sometimes, the tooth may need further restoration such as a crown, post or other prosthetic. In the end, your discomfort will be addressed at the source. You will never look back when you’re able to chew or laugh without pain.

Recognizing the Signs

There are many symptoms of pulp infection and the discomfort that occurs when bacteria enters a tooth’s central chamber and damages local soft tissues. These include severe pain when eating, increased sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures even when the cause of the pain has been removed, tooth discoloration, tenderness of the surrounding gums and a consistent pimple near the tooth.

If any of these conditions are present in your mouth, it is time to schedule a visit with the friendly and highly experienced team at Royal Oak Dental. A quick assessment is worth your peace of mind.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Whether you are experiencing discomfort in an anterior tooth, bicuspids or a molar, call us today for effective treatments that will reliably address the source of your pain. You are worth it.
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